01 Sep2017


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In order for employees to be more productive and fulfilled at work they need to know and apply their strengths and be in the flow more often. Therefore, I argue that Peterson’s ideas about strengths and Csikszentmihalyi’s ideas about flow are directly applicable to corporate training. Identifying signature strengths and using them in new ways is a positive intervention that would be extremely effective in corporate training (Peterson et al., 2005a). This intervention is crucial in corporate settings where frequently the deficit mode of thinking dominates. Shifting to an abundance mode of thinking could transform both performance evaluations and the entire work experience – productivity and work satisfaction. Being in ‘flow’ during the workday has already been shown to increase productivity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). If employers were to combine using signature strengths with creating flow during the workday, I predict productivity and well-being would increase exponentially.