12 Oct2015


“Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment” – Benjamin Franklin
Prudent individuals monitor and control their impulsive behaviour and anticipate the consequences of their actions. This strength is not synonymous with stinginess or timidity, but instead involves an intelligent and efficient perspective towards achieving major goals in life.
Too much: prudishness, stuffiness
Too little: mercilessness
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2008, Sweden) – Once-respected financial journalist, in order to save his professional life from disintegrating, has to spend a year researching mysterious disappearance of a female. The story depicts excellent illustrations of prudence and caution.
Shawshank Redemption (1995) – Andy Dufresne, a banker is convicted wrongly fully for a double murder is sentenced for a life term at the Shawshank State Prison in Maine. Despite the ugly realities of the prison, Andy uses his strengths of prudence, social intelligence and resilience to improve the conditions of the prison which enhances dignity of prisoners.
Sense and Sensibility (1995) – Wealthy Mr. Dashwood’s death leaves his son rich but his second wife, along with her two daughters, in difficult financial straits. This movie, adapted from the book by Jane Austen, chronicles the daughters’ attempts to find love in the face of obstacles and trials. Ultimately, they find that hope for a better future gives them the strength to endure temporary setbacks and reach their goals.
-Think twice before saying anything. Do this exercise at least ten times a week and note its effects.
-Drive cautiously and note that there are fewer time-bound emergencies than you actually think. Make highway safety a priority, especially at busy times such as rush hour and holiday weekends.
-Remove all extraneous distractions before your make your next three important decisions. Take the time to clear your mind and gather your thoughts.
-Consult with your significant other before making a final decision on an issue that affects you both. Be aware of the importance of advice from people who know you well.
-Visualize the consequences of your decisions in one, five, and ten years’ time. Take these long-term consequences into account when making short-term choices.
-Do a risk-benefit analysis before making a final decision. Consider risks and benefits that are intangible as well as tangible.
-Make important decisions when you are relaxed, rather than when you are anxious or depressed. If you must make a decision under pressure, take a few seconds to breathe deeply and clear your mind.
-Before cheating or lying about trivial things, ask yourself whether you will need ten more lies to hide the first lie. Visualize how dishonesty can compound itself.
-Avoid competitive situations that generally end in win-loss outcomes or in which you or your opponent has little chance to win. Instead, seek out situations that foster cooperation and win-win outcomes.
-Don’t hesitate to check as often as necessary to ensure that all relevant details of your next important task are covered. Keep careful lists and schedules.
-Evaluate the quality, efficiency, and wisdom of your next three projects and write down methods of improvement. Consider each project within a larger context.