24 Jul2020


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1. Do something that excites you.
For me, getting out in nature and exploring new walks is always exciting. It also gives me a sense of perspective on things. Find out what excites you and do more of it.
2. Surround yourself with hopeful people.
When you surround yourself with hopeful, positive people, it will rub off on you and you’ll learn what they do to be more hopeful.
3. Remember times when things went well.
There were certainly times in your life when you achieved something amazing, something that you didn’t hope or believe you could. Notice those times.
What are they for you? Perhaps it was getting a certain job, maybe your first job. Perhaps it was a change of career or finding your soulmate and getting married.
There are lots of things you achieved in life. Go back and look at them. It will help you feel more hopeful about your current challenges and the future.
4. Set goals and create a plan.
The act of setting goals and creating a plan will increase your level of hope because you are doing something about it.
The great thing about having a plan is that you can measure your progress and tick things off as they are done. This will boost your hope. It’s almost like a compounding effect – as you achieve more things, your level of hope increases.
5. Have a gratitude list.
List everything that you’re grateful for. List what is going well in your life. If you don’t know how to start, my article on gratitude will help you.
6. Keep taking action and be patient.
Be persistent and don’t give up. Have the patience to see things through to their logical conclusion.
7. Research other people that have overcome similar adversities.
Some people have already overcome the challenges you are experiencing right now. See how they developed their hope, and what they did to improve their life.
Seeing other people already achieving what you want to achieve will dramatically increase your level of hope. You may also learn some actionable steps that you can do to change your life situation.