02 Jun2017
Click here for Give Blood website
We need over 6,000 blood donations every day to treat patients in need across England. Which is why there’s always a need for people to give blood.
Each year we need approximately 200,000 new donors, as some donors can no longer give blood.
Most people between the ages of 17-65 are able to give blood.
Around half our current donors are over 45. That’s why we need more young people (over the age of 17) to start giving blood, so we can make sure we have enough blood in the future.
Find out who can give blood, and then book an appointment to give blood.
We need more donors from all blood groups and types. We particularly need more people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities to give blood so that we have a supply of certain blood types.
Register as a blood donor and book an appointment to give blood and help someone in need today.