08 Oct2016


Mobile phones, Internet access and social networking have opened many doors for teenagers to stay connected to one another. However, it’s also brought the dangers of bullying to the forefront, as more and more teenagers are exposed to its verbal and visual violence. In today’s interconnected world, bullying poses a serious problem for countless teens. Therefore, the need arises for cyberbullying facts and Cyber Bullying Statistics.
Cyberbullying Facts in the United Kingdom
The following numbers related to Cyber bullying Statistics are according to Liam Hackett (2013) in his Annual Bullying Survey taken from over 2,000 British teens. To read the full article go to: cyberpesten
Cybebullying UK
The level of Cyber bullying Statistics in UK is a growing trend and 7 in 10 (69%) young people aged 13 and 22 had experienced Cyber bullying with 20% of which had been very extreme. 37% of this experience bullying frequently. 20% also had underwent extreme cases and were twice as likely to be bullied in Facebook than any other sites, with 54% of people being bullied on this site. Hackett added that a young transgender is more likely to experience this than boys or girls. When scaled 1 to 10 to test the effect it brings to their self esteem with 10 being incredibly severe, 7.5 was the average. “It’s having a massive impact on young people and it’s ‘heartbreaking to read’,” he said.
Another research led by Steven Walker (2011) on Cyber bullying Statistics reported that over a quarter (29%) of those who had experienced bullying stayed away from school, while 39% stopped socializing outside the campus. “As the use of social media amongst young people continues to grow … Cyber bullying Statistics in UK is only likely to get worse,” he suggested, “… the internet provides a new means through which children and young people are bullied” . Whatever varied results from different surveys shows, the fact still remains that more and more people, almost or over a quarter, especially young ones not just in UK but the whole world over has been experiencing bullying.
Between 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2012 ChildLine carried out 31,599 counselling interactions with a primary concern of bullying. This represents 10% of the total counselling interactions undertaken during that period.
The rate of bullying is similar to that of domestic violence, sexual abuse or deep emotional trauma; a child is generally unwilling to seek counselling from an adult, unless they feel helpless, and hopeless. This accentuates the gravity of the situation, and its spread.
April (2012) The Guasp school report in April 2012 reports that Almost half (46%) of children and young people say they have been bullied at school at some point in their lives.
38% of disabled children worried about being bullied.
Over half (55%) of lesbian, gay and bisexual young people have experienced homophobic bullying at school.
Though bullying has no specific trigger or victim; perpetrators always target who they believe are weaklings; i.e. someone they doubt would be able to stand up to them, or receive support from peers.
Also, Ditch the Label, released its annual Cyber bullying Statistics report and here are some of the key Cyber bullying Statistics 2014 covered.
Note: more than 10,000 youths were surveyed.
Cyberbullying report
7 in 10 young people are victims of cyberbullying
37% of them are experiencing cyberbullying on a highly frequent basis
20% of young people are experiencing extreme cyberbullying on a daily basis
New research suggests that young males and females are equally at risk of cyberbullying
Young people found to be twice as likely to be cyber bullied on Facebook as on any other social network. Red Flag?
54% of young people using Facebook reported that they have experienced cyberbullying on the social network
Facebook, Ask.FM and Twitter found to be the most likely sources of cyberbullying, being the highest in traffic of all social networks.
Cyberbullying found to have catastrophic effects upon the self-esteem and social lives of up to 70% of young people
An estimated 5.43 million young people in the UK have experienced cyberbullying, with 1.26 million subjected to extreme cyberbullying on a daily basis.
According to Anti-Bullying Alliance, nearly one in five (17%) of London children experience mean or cruel behavior online and a quarter of kids in the capital are witnessing the cyber-bullying of a classmate or friend.
Only 15% of parents think that their child is safe online
47% of parents are concerned about their child being bullied online
Half of parents think their child may have been bullied online, 15% know this for certain.
44% of parents think their child may be a cyber-bully themselves and 13% have been told that their child is a cyber-bully.
65% of children often go online without any parental supervision
26% spending four hours or more online every day.
53% of children go online in their own room.
23% of children who have directed a comment with cruel or abusive language to someone online consider it ‘mean’ to the person it was directed at, and just 9% consider that behavior to be cyber-bullying.
In addition, 15% think if someone was upset by a mean comment directed at them online, they would be ‘over-reacting’, 24% saying they would be shocked to have their comments perceived as cruel.
Male bullies are nearly four times as likely as non-bullies to grow up to physically or sexually abuse their female partners.
By age 24, 60 percent of former school bullies had been convicted of a criminal charge at least once.
The issue of bullying doesn’t just erode a student’s self esteem, it affects grades as well. An atmosphere that is unsafe for kids leads to lower academic performance.
Schools with higher reports of bullying scored 3 to 6 percent lower than schools that had strong anti-bullying policies in place.
Schools that have anti-bullying programs reduce bullying by 50 percent.
Bullying is at its worst in middle school. The percent of middle schools that reported bullying problems is 44 percent. While 20 percent of high schools reported bullying problems and 20 percent of elementary schools reported bullying problems.