Sometimes it’s obvious what we can do and other times it’s not. We don’t have to make big gestures – small things can make a difference too. It might take a bit of confidence but it gets easier.
Here are some ideas of ways to connect:
If you regularly pass someone in your street start by smiling and saying hello. Find an opportunity to introduce yourself. Tell them a little about you and what you enjoy about the area – then ask them what they like too. You could even invite them over for a drink or chat.
If someone new moves in close by then make them feel welcome. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself and offer to help with any questions about the local area. For example you could offer advice on when bins are collected, where the bus leaves from, local facilities etc.
If you’re new to an area, be sure to go round and introduce yourself to your neighbours. Tell them what brought you to the area and find out a bit about them and their lives.
Look out for ways you can help your neighbours and don’t be afraid to ask if you need support too. Giving support and receiving it from others improves our happiness and well-being
Look out for opportunities to connect with people in your Local Community – for example a local community group, residents association, volunteer opportunity, exercise/activity class, book group etc. Try checking out local websites or keeping an eye on local notice boards etc.