17 Aug2019


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Before you begin any exercise routine, especially if you’ve been inactive for a long time, or are over 40 years old, be sure to consult your doctor. Also, never continue an activity or exercise if you feel persistent or severe muscle or joint pain, chest pain, or if you become exhausted. Again consult your doctor. doctor.
The type of exercise is not as important as just getting into a consistent routine. It can be comprised of aerobic or strength training, but preferably a combination of the two. Even thirty minutes a day of moderate exercise, such as a brisk walk can be very helpful and provide heath benefits.
You can start small and build up to more. A less intense objective will help you build physical activity into your daily routine more easily. Incorporate as much as you can slowly – by parking further from the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and by walking instead of driving whenever you can.
To stay healthy, aim to exercise between four to seven days each week. The total amount of time can be broken down in periods of not less than 10 minutes each. However, the longer the period of physical activity, the more beneficial it is to your health. Take into account that very intense activities burn more calories in a shorter time span than do low-intensity activities. Remember to stay hydrated.
As we already now know, exercise improves mood, but new research suggests that working out to music, as well as providing fun and motivation, may give exercisers a cognitive boost. Charles Emery, professor of psychology at Ohio State University, has conducted a study on the combination of music and exercise and states: “Listening to music may influence cognitive function through different pathways in the brain. The combination of music and exercise may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal while helping to organize cognitive output.”
All the wonderful benefits aside, never has it been more important to establish a routine of regular exercise than in today’s increasingly sedentary world. Technology is great, but it is not a substitute for physical activity!