15 Mar2018


Volunteering Matters (formerly CSV) was founded to encourage young people aged 16 to 35 to volunteer. Its main focus is on full-time volunteering. Opportunities include work on environmental projects, helping children to read and supporting people who are unwell and unable to carry out day-to-day tasks. There are also many health-focused projects, open to people of all ages on a part-time or full-time basis. Visit Volunteering Matters to find something that suits you.
Do-it is the only national database of volunteering opportunities in the UK. The Do-it website allows users to search more than 1 million opportunities by area of interest and postcode. There is also the option to apply online.
NCVO is the umbrella body for the voluntary and community sector in England, with the aim of connecting people and organisations. It has 11,000 members, from large organisations to small community groups, so there will be one that is right for you.
Locate your nearest volunteer centre.
Friends of the Elderly needs volunteers to help out with its day centres, befriending services, and activities in care homes, and to get involved in its Be a Friend campaign.
Contacting your local NHS trust directly is a good way of finding out about volunteering opportunities in your area. See Volunteers: NHS heroes, in which Diane Bown, the head of volunteering for the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, describes the difference volunteers make to the health service.
Visit the website of your local trust for more information on how to volunteer, or contact them directly. See Find services: NHS trusts.