29 Oct2020


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You might want to do something for someone else or take note if you experience an act of kindness.
Not sure where to start?
We’ve put together some suggestions to help you out…
At home and in your community
Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while
Post a card or letter to someone you are out of touch with
Send flowers to a friend, out of the blue
Find out if a neighbour needs any help with shopping
Ring someone who is on their own, or video call them
Send someone a handwritten thank you note
Tell your family how much you love and appreciate them
Help with household chores
Offer to help an elderly or vulnerable neighbour
Check on someone you know who is going through a tough time
At work
Remember to say hi to colleagues and ask how they are – whether that’s face-to-face, or virtually if you are working from home
Offer to support colleagues who may not be familiar with videoconferencing or new software that you have already used
Set up a virtual coffee/lunch club – with your regular colleagues and with new ones
Have a conversation with a colleague you don’t normally talk to
Get to know a new member of staff – it is hard to join a new workplace under these restrictions
Lend your ear – listen to your colleague who is having a bad day
Say thank you to a colleague who has helped you
Praise a colleague for something they have done well
In public places
Follow the rules on social isolation – but don’t make negative assumptions about others
Wish a passer-by a good morning or afternoon from an appropriate distance (2 metres or more)
Be a considerate cyclist/driver
Pick up some rubbish lying around in the street
Smile and say hello to people you may pass every day, but have never spoken to before from an appropriate distance (2 metres or more)
On social media
Take time to reach out online to people you haven’t seen for a while
Write something nice or encouraging on a post you appreciate
Acknowledge and validate someone’s story – if they are having a difficult time you don’t have to have all the answers, sometimes a like or a brief ‘I’m sorry to hear this, is there something I can do?’ is enough to make them feel heard
Think about what you share – look at the source of the post, and the tone. If it isn’t kind, think twice. If something could upset others and you feel you need to post it, use a trigger or content warning
Think about your comments and replies. Try not to say nasty things, or pile on where somebody questions another person’s actions