22 Apr2017


This is the basics people! It’s not going to give you a whole lot of information, it’s just to get you started and not overwhelm you in the process.
You really don’t need to take more than one. What you do need is the fundamentals of waves, boards, and what it should feel like. You also want to make sure that surfing is a sport you’re willing to commit to. After this you’re ready to take the next step.
You’ll never outgrow it, and when you’ve got droves of friends beating down your door to teach them surfing, that’s what you’ll start them on.
Quick rule of thumb: Get one that’s 3 feet taller than you.
It’s safer than pegging someone in the face with a stray board.
Tip: Your leash should be the same size as your board.
Use the right wax for your local water temp (it’ll say on the package).
Head out on small 2-3 foot wave days.
Depending on your tolerance for cold, pull on a full wetsuit, spring suit, or beach wear & rash guard.
You’ll want to focus on catching waves first. Once you’re solidly locked into the wave, it’s much MUCH easier to stand. Look for waves that are just beginning the show white wash and position yourself in front of them, facing shore. Paddle like the dickens. Stand up once you feel the wave pulling you to shore, you sexy beast, you.
Hint: Don’t paddle for a wave that someone else has been waiting on. If they got there before you, they get first dibs on the wave.
If its your first time out, its easy to get discouraged if you aren’t catching waves. If it’s only been a few minutes, power through —the more hours you put in, the faster you’ll become a great surfer. If you’ve been out for hours with no avail, grab a surfer friend and offer them a burrito in exchange for lessons.
Wash your wetsuit and board in clean freshwater. Sometimes your local beach will be nice enough to have shower stations. Use em.
Wipe off any residual water from your board and store your gear in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.