14 Jun2017
To read thee full article go to: The Huffington Post The knee-jerk reaction is to believe that the digital age has deteriorated the relationship between the parent and adolescent child. Having an adolescent child, myself, the sense of righteous indignation that this belief creates in me is almost comforting. “I never spoke back at my parents”. “Put that tablet away when you are eating”. “Look at me when I a talking to you”, “Your grades are down because you are on social media all the time”, “Talk to grandpa instead of staring into your phone” – the complaints and resulting relationship stressors are endless.
But, a more rational approach shows that such stressors have always existed in different avatars and technology has in fact improved the relationship between the parent and adolescent child.
Naturally, digital technology has become a predominant mode of communication within families and has undoubtedly extended the opportunities and increased frequency of interaction between the parent and adolescent. The digital age has altered the heirarchial nature of conventional parent-child relationship into a form that is more equal, intimate, and egalitarian than it has been in the past.