21 Nov2017
Just how to do this is a conundrum that has challenged philosophers, scientists, and so many people throughout the ages.
But perhaps the solution may not be as complex as it seems. While there is no single answer, research has shown that there are several factors that influence our ability to find satisfaction and meaning in life. To read the full article go to: HuffingtonPost
Here then are a few pointers:
Develop a Sense of Purpose
If there is one factor that influences our ability to live a meaningful life it’s having a sense of purpose — a reason to get out of bed in the morning and to keep on going. Not only does a sense of purpose fuel a sense of meaning in life, but it also brings with it more time in which to enjoy that meaning.
Research conducted at the University of Rochester has shown that having a sense of purpose in life not only increases the quality of our lives, but may also help us to live longer — regardless of our age.
What’s more, the longevity benefits remained, even after other factors, such as relationships and positive emotions were factored in.
The take-away message is clear: having a sense of purpose is an important component in a long and meaningfully lived life.
Prioritize Connection With Others
Joint research conducted by psychologists from Stanford University, Florida State University, and the University of Minnesota shows that connection to others is necessary in order to bring meaning to our life.
Being close to others, family or friends, results in a greater feeling of purpose, enhancing life’s meaning.
This doesn’t mean that we have to live in an ideal, perfectly harmonious family or social environment. The researchers clarify that connection to others should not be mistaken for “perfect” relationships. Quite the contrary, the process of conflict with relevant others, and the time invested in overcoming challenges and disagreements, can serve to deepen those relationships, so increasing life’s meaning.
Simply having those connections — even though stress may accompany them — is enough to give our lives a deeper sense of meaning.