01 Dec2015
Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but for many it can also be a very difficult lonely period. In the world today $2.5 trillion is spent on antidepressants. This record attempt is to help raise awareness of these issues, bring together the local community, have fun and ultimately make people happy with a lasting legacy – if we can break the record which is why we are writing to you.
My name is Julian Hay and set up a business called iMedia where we create live events. We recently set up an online magazine Wondrlust.com – where we try to better understand how to live a happy, fulfilled life. We wanted to create something memorable for the local community that combines a live event and living a happy life. So three neighbours sat down one Monday evening – myself, Graham Saltmarsh & Matt Read – and thought “Carolling World Record”. We hope that whatever the outcome, this will be great fun, helps to spread a positive message, and raising awareness and some money for 2 very good causes.
We are writing to you as we are meeting at Eel Brook Common, Fulham. The Official Record attempt is ‘Carolling’ which means Door to Door. The requirement is to sing at 10 doors in a minimum of 2 roads. A different carol needs to be sung at each door. From gathering in Eel Brook Common we will Carol Sing Door to Door in the streets nearby so it is safe and has minimal impact. We are in contact with H&F Council who have given agreement to the record attempt and we remain in correspondence with them about delivering to the council requirements. – Click here for a location map
This event is not for profit. Its aim is to raise awareness and money for two causes close to our hearts – as we see it two sides of the same coin, This is the essence of the record attempt.
–Action For Happiness (a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society) – http://www.actionforhappiness.org/
-Charlie Waller Memorial Trust (raising awareness to fight depression) – http://www.cwmt.org.uk/
Donations can be made when registering to be part of the attempt here at EventBrite
We appreciate donations however small.
Sunday 13th December 2015 early afternoon. We will meet at 1500, registration will take 30minutes, and carolling record attempt will last approximately 1 hour. We would like as many families to attend hence finishing before 1700.
The Current Record is 1820 – so our aim is a minimum 2000 people
It would help us if you could register before the event so we can track numbers. Please go to Eventbrite here and click on ‘Get Tickets’ for however many would like to join. It is FREE to join but any Donations would be very much appreciated.
We will be regularly updating Wondrlust.com and #CarollingWorldRecord