27 Sep2017


Sometimes, it’s the small things that keeps a couple together for a long time. Here are 10 little things that matter in every relationship.
We mean the “I love you” sentence. If you feel it, say it. Three little words that can light up both your days and remind them of how much they are loved.
Simple but effective.
Letting your inhibitions go and being childlike is something that can easily be forgotten when you’re an adult and especially when you’re a couple. Being silly together shows that you are comfortable with each other, that you have embraced one another and could be a great reminder why you fell for each other in the first place. A couple who can laugh and play together is a happy one.
It’s not hard to say thank you.
But we don’t mean the default “thank you” such as when someone brings you a cup of coffee. We mean a “thank you” for the things that really matter.
Compliments are wonderful. It’s an instant lift when someone acknowledges you in a positive light, especially when it’s coming from someone you love. It shows that you’re noticed, appreciated and admired. It’s a small gesture that can make a huge, positive impact on your relationship.
If he likes to watch sports, watch with him and cheer on his favorite team. Listen and take interest in what your partner likes to do, even if it’s not your personal favorite. In turn, when you want to do an activity that you enjoy, they’ll be open and willing to do it with you as well.
Start now. When you find yourself far away from the place you live in, you have only each other to rely on, you will spend more time together- just the two of you, and you will create memories.
It doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate, in fact, it can be the simple act of getting them their favorite ice cream on the way home because you know they had a long, hard day at work. It’s not the present but the gesture and the thought that went into it that will be appreciated more so than the actual ‘thing’ you got them.
Cuddling is the best way to show that you love someone. Cuddling has this wonderful ability to soothe away the pain and calm you down. It works both ways.
This is more important than you think. You should always back your partner up when they are having a brawl, even if you think that they are not in the right. You must never leave them standing on their own in an argument. At the very least, you should try and bring the argument to an end. That way they will know that you have their back, that they can rely on you and that you love them.