Whether you’re already a father, plan on being one someday, or want some ideas for things to do with your old man.
Each experience will impart a few skills and a few life lessons along the way. They also just happen to be bonding experiences each of you will remember forever (outside of the ones where you drink together!).
1. Go camping (… preferably somewhere illegally!)
2. … and build a camp-fire (… and roast marshmallows!)
3. Go to a sports event
4. Test drive a supercar
5. Start a collection (choose a joint interest)
6. Spend the day playing golf
7. Volunteer Together
8. Be funny
9. Change a tyre
10. Plan a trip
11. BBQ together
12. Play a prank on mum
13. Teach him how to shave
14. Let him change gears in the car
15. Watch all the Star Wars movies in one sitting … just the good ones
16. Show him how to treat a woman properly
17. Listen to some damn classic rock
18. share your one great story
19. try something new to both of you … together!