31 May2017


Those darn questions and thoughts. For some of us, it feels like we have to start over, and for others it may be easier to move on. There isn’t one set way to heal or recover from a broken heart. But there are actions you can take to ensure you come out on top
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1. Make a choice: either run from the pain or deal with it. Hopefully you want to deal with it and not distract yourself by other means (i.e. overworking, substance abuse, jumping into another relationship, being so busy you cant think). Rise up to the challenge and deal with it head-on. This will allow you to be free of the pain in the time it takes rather than lingering on it forever.
2. There is no room for guilt in your life going forward. If you made a mistake then, by all means feel the guilt for the moment. You may want to extend your apologies depending on the situation. But ongoing guilt is a killer. Get rid of it.
3. Don’t be hard on yourself in the process of healing. Feel your emotions and acknowledge them. Suppressing what you feel is robotic and is sure to come out in another way. It is awkward and uncomfortable but going through the motions allows you to feel like a human being. It is normal. Don’t be embarrassed for feeling the way you do.
4. Talk, write, sing, dance, draw and create–if you have a passion that you lose yourself in then use it to help you heal. Music and writing is my healthy escape and I can express myself through a journal without judgment from anyone. It gets my thoughts and feelings out. I end up creating some great pieces too!