17 Nov2020


It is possible to work happily and find meaning in your own job if you incorporate a few key principles and actions into your mind map.
There is an old Greek proverb that says: “How do you get a man to appreciate his donkey?” Answer: “By taking it away!”
With a world population that’s growing at an alarming rate, anyone who does have a job really should be grateful for their employment, because many people would like to have paid work, but can’t find any.
So … be grateful for your job.
Work can only be really meaningful if it’s part of your life’s purpose and your life’s purpose will most likely be aligned with your values.
Become clear about your values because they will help you find happiness in your job.
Make a list of the 5 things that are most important in your life – Think about things like; family, friends, spirituality, money, career, work/life balance. Then ask yourself how your job is serving those values, and write down the answers.
Once you understand how your life values are being met at work, you’ll feel more aligned with your job.
If you have a grand dream about your career–maybe you want a big promotion, or want to work for yourself– find ways of turning the dream into reality. You might have to work harder than anyone else to make it happen, but it might ultimately give you the chance to do what you want to do and so work happily in the long run.
Make a list of small steps that can be taken to move you closer to your dream, and commit to doing one of these things each day. These steps can be as small as “Find one website related to my dream job and read everything on it.” or “Sign up for an email newsletter related to my ideal industry.” Do one thing each day that will move you closer to your dream. You’ll be surprised how small but consistent actions can quickly move you closer to achieving your big ideas.
If you are to be happy at work you need to understand your attitude and reasons for working. There has to be a reason for doing things otherwise you’ll never get out of bed in the morning. Certainly money is a driving force, but there should be other reasons that you keep getting up and getting yourself out the door to go to work.
If you want to stop struggling and live life to the fullest, Take the Full Life Assessment
Do you work for the challenge, or perhaps to gain a sense of achievement?
Do you want to get out of the house to be amongst other people?
Do you want to work for yourself?
Do you want to be highly successful in your chosen field?
Do you want to help others?
Do you want to be creative?
Look at the questions you answered “yes” to. Does your current job fulfill these needs and desires? If not, what job would?
The work you do will invariably touch the lives of others in some positive way – an important fact to realize.
Work becomes more meaningful when it makes a contribution to our own lives and to the lives of others.
Every job has intrinsic meaning. It doesn’t matter what you do. Not only does it give you an income, but it will impact other people or the world we live in.
How does the work you do make a difference to other people in a positive way? How would it impact others if you stopped doing what you do? Write this down and acknowledge that your work is purposeful and commit to valuing the work you do.
What you do is useful and if you acknowledge that, then you will give your working hours more meaning.
Every job has a purpose. Acknowledging this can help you to feel good about what you do.
Wasting time on unimportant tasks is futile and leads to dissatisfaction.
Many people work 10 – 12 hour days and still don’t seem to get anything done.
So major in the major and eliminate anything that wastes time or isn’t important in your work day. Set yourself goals to complete the important tasks that need doing, rather than focusing on bits and pieces. Make a to-do list and check things off as you go along. This will keep you organized and on-task, and you’ll be surprised at how satisfying it is to make those check marks.