16 Nov2016


Lie still. Ease into the present slowly. Let your mind and body connect without jarring movements.
Most people will say they cannot remember their dreams or that they don’t dream at all. We all dream multiple times during the night. You can train your mind to remember your dreams by lying absolutely still without thought. Dreams reflect our unconscious feelings. It’s worth paying attention to your unconscious emotional state. You might be enlightened.
Choose three things that make you happy. Turn up the corners of your mouth into a big smile. Your happy thoughts will be forefront in your consciousness all day long.
It’s natural when you first wake up to think you feel relaxed but you might not actually be relaxed. We tense up at night and we might still be tense when we begin to wake up.
Consciously bring your body to a state of complete relaxation.
Waking up the body is different for everyone. Some bodies and minds wake up more quickly than others, but a great way to enter the present is with an intention to meditate. If thoughts are running amok, try to clear your mind. Slowly roll out of bed and sit on a pillow, back against the wall and spend time (at the beginning 2 – 5 minutes) sitting quietly.
A straight spine is essential for meditating because it aligns your spine so energy can move through your body unobstructed. Shrug your shoulders back and feel your sit bones rooting. Note your body’s stillness.
Meditation is not complicated. It is a process intended to let your thoughts go. You will have thoughts even with your intention not to think, but if you can’t stop, what is most important is not to attach any emotion to the thoughts.
If your mind becomes active, focus your attention on your breathing. Extend the breath and you will continue to be in a peaceful state.
Find your breath interesting. After all, breathing is the essential ingredient for staying alive. It is your life force so honor it with attention.
Your inner clock will begin to nudge you. It’s at this moment that you begin the gratitude phase of waking up: name 5 things you are grateful for and smile.
Having negative thoughts at the beginning of your day is a definitely a bad risk for your wellbeing. Your brain wants to go into negative mode first. It’s human nature to dwell on the negative.
Resist the negative and shift focus to what is positive about your day and your life.
Don’t attach to thoughts when you wake up. You’ve got the whole day to do that. Attachment fosters illusion rather than reality and causes stress and anxiety.
The most pressing issue of your day will be in the forefront of your brain. Is it positive or negative? If it is negative, put a positive spin on it. You can turn any negative into a positive.
Your thoughts manifest in your mind and body. Notice how your body tenses with uncomfortable issues. Relax your body by taking a very deep breath and let the breath out slowly. Shrug your shoulders back and open your heart.
No means resistance is at work. Yes means possibilities and opportunities. Yes means being strong and willing to cross over a mental threshold and be surprised.
Make an intention to stay present during the day. If you think future or past thoughts, reconnect with the present moment. The power of the day is in the now.
Make an intention to eliminate something superfluous from your day. Make it a practice to give up something daily. Non-attachment and is good for the soul.
Make an intention to surround yourself with joyful, happy people during the day. Walk away from energy drains – people, places and things that stand in the way of your happiness and keep you stuck in the quicksand of the day.
Invest in positive pursuits during the day. Keep the negatives away. If you are lacking in positive energy, negative energy will go after you. Do something that brings joy into your life. Go to the gym, eat a healthy lunch or call someone and acknowledge the gift of that person’s friendship.
Eliminate one social media outlet a day. Stay off Facebook or Twitter and rely on your own energy to keep you positive.
Take time for self-reflection. Assess how you feel inside yourself. Self-reflection is like taking your emotional and spiritual temperature. You don’t need to know how things work or understand the meaning of life. Life just is. Live it.
It’s human nature to make excuses and to apply blame when things are not going well. Make an intention to take full responsibility for what you do every day.
Life is an opportunity — it’s an opportunity to be the best that you can be. If you are thirsty, drink; if you are hungry, eat. Every thing you do has meaning and purpose and affects your creativity.
Daily exercise promotes positive attitudes. Your neurotransmitters will be sparking away all day. Exercise in the morning – that morning walk is also meditative – noontime or evening. But do at least 20 minutes daily for good heart health.
Open your eyes, turn on some favorite music, dance into the kitchen and make a great breakfast.