There’s no one way to experience love, for we all experience love in different ways. For some of us to really experience love, we need to feel love, through being hugged and touched. Some of us, however, need to hear the words “I love you.” Others need to see a demonstration of love, like a gift of flowers. Our preferred way of experiencing love is often the way we feel most comfortable demonstrating it back.
We suggest that you work on loving yourself
Treat yourself to romance and love. Show yourself how special you are. Pamper yourself.
Buy yourself flowers for your home.
Surround yourself with colors, textures, and scents that please you.
Look in the mirror, and say to yourself, “I love you.” Say it every day until you mean it. And keep saying it!
Take yourself out on a date somewhere special. Go to a coffee shop and read through that novel you’ve been meaning to read.
Take yourself out for a walk to a park. Find a beautiful spot and lay out a blanket and have a picnic.
Go out to a movie or see a musical with yourself.
Help out at a soup kitchen, or volunteer your time at a homeless shelter. Pick up trash at the beach or your local park.
Donate clothes, belongings and books you don’t use anymore. Get rid of clutter. If it doesn’t bring you joy, give it away!
Get out some colored pencils and color a coloring book like you did when you were a kid (check out my new coloring books for adults)!