28 Feb2017
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Here are 8 signs that you are living your purpose:
1. You no longer have that nagging feeling that a big piece is missing in your life. You have found what makes you whole.
2. You have gone from being stuck to knowing that you are on a meaningful path that gives you true fulfillment.
3. Work brings joy instead of sucking energy out of your life.
4. You stopped doubting yourself. You feel confident and good about your choices.
5. Uncertainty, insecurity and worry are old patterns. You feel purposeful and know that the world needs you to be your best.
6. Instead of seeking clients, they are seeking you. Your business and income are flowing.
7. You no longer feel like you’re hiding part of who you are. You are authentic and true to your soul.
8. You are patient with yourself and your family because you are OK being certain with the uncertain. You trust that the next step will be given to you.