14 Aug2018


“Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.” – Joseph Campbell
“For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to day and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment.” – Victor E. Frankl
“Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.” – Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
“Life is a fairy tale. Live it with wonder and amazement.” – Welwyn Wilton Katz
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away.” – David Viscott
“To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” – Aristotle