09 Jan2017


On 26th January the WondrAcademy is collaborating with the Small Giants Community to bring you a virtual talk with Paul Spiegelman, Founder & CEO – to learn what it means to grow your business with Purpose.
The Community is an extension of the highly regarded ‘Small Giants’ book by Bo Burlingham – Companies that choose to be Great instead of Big
We are limiting places to 25, for this free 1hr Webinar.
It will take place Thursday 26th @ 1400-1500 London GMT time, (800 CST / 900 EST).
Paul Spiegelman (Small Giants Community Founder & CEO) will talk about the Principles and Philosophy of Small Giants book, how the Community came together and his key learnings. Time will be set aside for Questions & Answers from the Webinar Audience. This is to be an interactive discussion.
When – Thursday 26 January
Time – 1400-1500 GMT London England (8am CST / 9am EST)
Length – 45-60mins
Numbers of places – 25
Theme – Purpose before profit (or Purpose LEADS to profit.)
Who its for – Entrepreneurs, business leaders and Owners who understand the importance of PURPOSE or want to learn the importance. Average type of business; 3-5yr start up, $10-20million revenue
Format- Interactive Webinar (details will be sent on sign up)
Content – (i) Julian Hay (Founder of WondrAcademy) will chat to Paul about his experiences of building a PURPOSE led business on the Small Giants Philosophy – (i) session and format (ii) Small Giants Book (iii) Small Giants Community (iv) Pauls business background (v) link with his business, book and community (vi) Q&A with Paul & Webinar Community (vii) opportunities for next steps
“Bo Burlingham’s done for private companies what Jim Collins did for public companies in “Good to Great.” (Steve Pearlstein, “The Washington Post”)
“It aims to do for small private companies what “In Search of Excellence” did two decades ago for big public companies: shine a light on a handful of business practices the author admires, and which he believes are the reason some companies consistently do better than others”. (Joseph Nocera, “The New York Times”)
“”Small Giants” is one of the most relevant and articulate arguments for staying bold and creative, intimate and manageable as I have ever read. I guarantee that expression and the arguments for staying small will cause a collective sigh of relief from thousands of entrepreneurs”. (Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop)
We are an organization committed to the development of values-driven business leaders. We take entrepreneurs on a journey, supporting them each step of the way with the resources, events, mentorship and connections needed to take their business to the next level and bring their vision to reality.
Paul Spiegelman tells the Small Giants story… “Let’s go back to the very beginning. In 2006, I read Bo’s book, and it inspired me for two reasons. First, I identified with every single one of the companies that Bo talked about in his book – small to mid-sized privately-held companies doing business differently. I immediately recognized a shared vision in the way that I approach business. These leaders were passionate and purposeful; committed to growing not just for growth’s sake, but to enhance the lives of the people that worked in the company.
Second, I heard echoes of my own experience in the stories he shared. As my company grew, I became a deep believer in the connection between culture and business success. In fact, I had just written my first book on the topic, and found myself working to convince other leaders to consider this transformative style of leadership. After reading Small Giants, I took a shot in the dark and sent a blind email to Bo asking if he would consider writing a foreword for my book. To my surprise, he said yes – and as we got to know one another, a true friendship emerged.
Over the next couple of years, I often told Bo that I suspected there were many more leaders like me out there who would identify with the Small Giants philosophies. Selfishly, I wanted to find a way to meet them. Look – we’re all trying to make our way in business, and there’s no better way to do it than to find like-minded individuals with whom we can learn from and share best practices. And while we can all choose to attend conferences headlined by famous entrepreneurs, I’d rather find practitioners just like me with real stories, a keen sense of vulnerability and heart to connect with one-to-one. That’s when I had the big idea. Why not establish a community of inspired, like-minded leaders – from aspiring Small Giants to seasoned leaders – and engage them with teaching, challenging and learning from one another?
Over dinner one night, Bo challenged me to take the idea from vision to reality. He said that to do this, we would need an entrepreneur to take the idea and run with it. After all, he was a writer by trade who had spent nearly 30 years with Inc. Although he wrote about businesses all the time, he had never run one himself. Meanwhile, I was running my own successful company and pursuing the Small Giants philosophy with my employees on a daily basis. That’s when I committed to bringing the idea to life, and the Small Giants Community was born.
It’s true – there are already a number of CEO peer groups and leadership communities out there. But, we knew we would differentiate ourselves in one key way…our members would share a passion for values-driven leadership, committing to let purpose and people drive our strategies rather than financials. In our new Community, we would develop relationships with each other by designing intimate, unique events, delivering backstage passes to incredible companies and finding ways to impact each other’s businesses and lives in measurable, positive ways.
I’m so proud of our Community and what is has grown to be, but I’m most proud of the common refrain that we hear from new members. They say that in our Community, they’ve found their “family” of the business world. If our ideas, values, and even our origin story resonate with you, we hope you’ll choose to be part of our mission – and a part of our family.
In the end, it’s not what we do, it’s who we are – we’re the Small Giants Community.”
The Wondr Academy is the name we give to the range of research, development and testing work that we do and have done in-house over the past few years.
The Wondr Academy is a place where people come to learn and share ideas and experiment, because, like them, we believe that collaboration is at the heart of all great work. Like them we want to inspire fresh, creative excellence and share knowledge. The Academy is a place where we test and try new ideas in a safe environment and we want people to be part of this process. This is a creative incubator. A place where we can understand better what connects people emotionally.
You can hopefully see that our underlying focus is not on marketing or corporate solutions per se. We are thinking about something that is life changing for individuals, making their lives better – through events, environments and experiences.
To succeed, we aim to be at the forefront of research and, as such, we are looking to partner with a university and academic institution. If you would like to find out more or discuss working with us contact us.
To read more about the WondrAcademy’s November’15 launch click here