02 Jan2017
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You had a cheat meal…that turned into a cheat weekend with more than 20,000 calories and a sugar and sodium load that left you feeling like an oompa loompa.
You went home for the holidays and wanted to treat yourself for the ‘special occasion’ with family. You stopped working out all together and days or weeks of leftover holiday food completely unraveled your hard earned results.
You had a baby. Got injured. Or some other uncontrollable (or not) extended hiatus has made you feel like you are back to square one…or worse.
Whatever the reason for your break, it damages the spirit- sometimes more than it damages your waistline. I hate to break it to you but you need to start again, you just have to. There is no sugar coating or magic pill to undo what’s done; you just need to get back at it.
The sooner you do, the faster you’ll feel great again, because that is what you want at the end of the day, right? I don’t know a single person that ‘found fitness’ and later decided feeling fit, healthy and looking hot was not for them. So chin up, you’ve done this before…you can do it again.
Like really, ridiculously small. It takes less than you think to challenge your body and start inspiring changes. But you should mainly start small because your biggest friend right now is: momentum. Starting small makes sticking with it more likely and will provide small wins that build confidence and add momentum. Committing to running 30 mins every day vs. running 5 mins a day will lead to more risk in not meeting your goal = giving up. Start small. Kick ass. Increase. Repeat.
I realiSe this is easier said than done but there is no way around it. You just have to do it. The more you think about it, justify it, analySe it, doubt it, want it…see, I got lost just thinking about you thinking about doing it. Refer to the other steps, but just do it. Start today…the time will pass anyway.
The calendar app on your phone is your friend (do people even have real calendars anymore? IDK). Have you heard that unless it’s written down, it isn’t real? Well, it’s true. Schedule your workouts, meals or hike dates like they are your important meetings at work that you would NEVER MISS. Write it down, pick a time, and don’t cancel on yourself. You are someone who follows through. Don’t let yourself down. Besides, it’s easy to talk yourself out of something you just thought of doing, but it’s not so easy if it’s written down.
Remember that momentum thing we talked about? A new morning is the perfect time for a fresh start and what better way to start it than like a WINNER. Have a badass morning routine and you will set the tone for a productive, positive day. Look at you, waking up on the right side of the bed and being a nutritional badass the rest of the day.