25 Aug2016


You cannot do everything, but you can do something. Smile and enjoy the fact that you have the ability to make a difference – one you’ll likely remember forever.
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So go ahead and make the words, “How can I help?” part of your everyday vocabulary. Start today; choose one of these 10 selfless ways to pay it forward.
1. Hold the door open for the person behind you.
2. Introduce yourself. Make new colleagues, classmates, etc. feel welcome.
3. Clean out all your old clothes and donate them to someone in need. Your old is someone else’s new.
4. Write a positive Yelp review about a local business you like.
5. Listen intently to people’s stories without trying to fix everything.
6. Donate blood. One pint of blood can save up to three lives. Locate your nearest blood drive.
7. Volunteer at a hospital, homeless shelter, nursing home, etc. Get outside of yourself and help others.
8. Buy house warming gifts for new neighbors.
9. Inspire others online.
10. Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day.