09 Sep2016
The most common style of skipping exercise is double jumps. This style is often practiced in high speed and burns most calories. The intensity of double-jumps can be varied according to the speed and also according to how high you jump; whether you take your feet completely off the ground or just enough to pass the rope. Jumping higher results in slower skipping, but is good for muscle toning. On the other hand low and fast skipping is good for HIIT and endurance training.
Cross jumps are the least intensive of the skipping styles. The style is often incorporated in high intensity workouts when one needs a break from high-aerobic exercise. It is preferred to continue less-taxing cross-jumps instead of stopping completely.
Single-leg jumps are an advanced level of skipping style which requires a good balance and puts more weight on one leg. It should be attempted after one can do double-jumps and cross-jumps fairly well. To prepare yourself for single-leg jumps, you can begin with balancing exercises like standing for an extended period on single leg or doing asanas like natrajasana and garudasana that require balance.
Here is a sample workout, which uses skipping as a HIIT exercise.
The following workout stretches about 15minutes with 20sec-10sec divisions. Since this is an HIIT workout, it has 20sec of high intensity and 10sec of a hold exercise. One 20sec-10sec makes one set and you have to do 2 sets of each exercise.
– Start with stretching and warmup for 5min.
– 20sec double-jumps at normal speed. Jump high in the air.
– 10 sec of holding the plank pose.
– 20 sec double-jumps at high speed.
– 10 sec hold of the deep squat position. Make sure your knees are behind the toes. Squat as deep as you can.
– 20 sec of single-leg jumps at moderate speed. Alternating legs after one set.
– 10 sec of arm-hugs. Stand straight with abs tight and move your arms in a way as if you are giving yourself big hugs. Take both your arms as far back and out as you can and bring the inside crossing each other and wrapping around your body. Sweep as big as you can.
– 20 sec of single-leg jumps at high speed. (as high as you can without the risk of injury)
– 10 sec of holding the seated C-pose, with knees bent, butt on the floor, calves lifted and parallel to the floor and torso off the floor. Put your hands at the back of your thighs to hold your legs in the air if you are a beginner or otherwise have problem with pilates positions.
– 20 sec double-jumps at high speed.
– 10 sec chair pose.
– 20 sec single leg jumps at moderate speed. Alternating legs after every 5sec.
– 10 sec of marching in the place at a normal speed. But make sure you lift your knees high and move your arms front and back covering as much area as you can.
– 20 sec of cross-jumps at high speed.
– 10 sec of knee-to-elbow tummy tucks in plank.
– Cool down with stretching exercises for 3 minutes.
Make sure to keep yourself hydrated during the workout. The stretching before and after the workout is important as it prepares the body in the beginning for the high-intensity aerobics and in the end brings the body slowly down from that peak. The cooling down also helps in reducing the cramps that may hit later in the day. Since skipping is a cardio exercise, it is important to consume a post-workout meal with good carbohydrates and proteins.