30 Aug2018


“Should be obligatory reading. . . . A philosophy of life in a nutshell, one that has latched on to the most practical, central, and sensible of all activities, human or cosmic.”– Psychology Today
The wisdom shared by Milton Mayerhoff in this book will guide any and all who read with eyes to see and a heart wide open to receive. I gave several copies as Christmas presents with the inscription: “Please read this treasure at least once a year”. Brief, to the point, full of wisdom, I cannot recommend it highly enough. “Please read this treasure at least once a year!”
I discovered this book by searching on amazon. I am only 3/4 of the way through it and my reaction is WOW! I picked up this book because I’m a newly wed and trying to make sense of the pull of my own needs vs. satisfying the needs of my wife. This book is a little more philosophical than providing tips on marriage. However, it did make me think of caring for my wife as also providing growth for myself. As a side benefit it gave me a new perspective on my work. As someone approaching 40, it helps make sense of life after my ideals of youth have turned into more practical responsibilities and choices. It is a more mature example of the self-help book. Not just overly selfish and inwardly directed, it is about caring for the growth of others and the ideas you value. It is rather short and not too difficult to read. I urge you to look for it.
I first read this book 30 years ago. It explores the capacity and desirability for human beings to choose something to care about, and to do something about it. It offers, not so much practical advice as, a series of ways to think about your own ability to care from a range of different perspectives and approaches. It’s one of the most readable pieces of philosophy that I have read. More importantly, my dog eared copy is still sitting on my shelf, and I give this book a little bit of credit for many of the things that I have managed to get right in my life.
The concepts Mayeroff presents, are part of the Mission Statement of my company. Caring is a foundation stone that permeates every aspect of the company business. Caring is in our performance reviews, caring is in flexible hours, caring is in time off, caring is required reading for all employees and board members, etc. As Mayeroff states: “Caring has a way of ordering activities and values around itself” (p.65).