10 Jul2015
We plan for 10 months to the tiniest detail, to alleviate as much risk as is humanly possible. We plan contingencies so when things do go wrong, and they do as is the nature of live events – when dealing with people, changable weather, transport systems (although no animals or children yet!) – we can react accordingly It can be extremely pressured when a years planning culminates into 6 days. Think of it as glorified wedding planning – with lots of weddings on the same day, and lots of weddings all in a row. Everyone is emotional, and everybody’s hopes, dreams and expectations are focused on a single point in time. We plan and do the very best we can possibly do. During this week, this is the most important event in our lives. But it is also very important to keep things in perspective. We are privileged to be giving people amazing, once in a life time experiences. But we try to always keep in the back of our mind the bigger picture. Many people are going through tough times, and the recent 10th anniversary of 7/7 is one of those moments to keep things in the right perspective
In all that I remember
Since I was a child,
I knew no matter what,
I’d have my Sister by my side.
My Sister who was part
Of every happy thought each day,
Who I miss with every breath I take
Because she couldnt stay.
My sister who i loved so much
And wish with all my heart,
Could have shared one moment more
Before we had to part.
If only I could find a way
To make my heartache end,
For when my Sister said good bye
I lost my dearest friend.
Team Average – 67.25% – 2.15% above our year average 65.1% High – 69% Low – 64%
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