12 Jul2016
Vitality is an approach to life marked by an appreciation for energy, liveliness, excitement, and energy.
A vital person lives life as an adventure to be approached wholeheartedly. A life of vigor allows one to experience the overlap of the mental and physical realms of experience, as stress decreases and health increases. Vitality differs from contentment in that it involves greater psychological and physiological activation and enthusiasm.
Too much: hyperactivity
Too little: passivity, inhibition
Do something that you already do, but with more energy, including some creative and different elements. Throw yourself into the activity.
Exercise at least 2-3 times a week and notice how it affects your energy level. Develop a regular routine that you can stick to and keep a log.
Do a physical activity of your choice, one that you don’t “have to do” and that you are not told to do. Notice how this affects your energy level.
Improve your sleep hygiene by establishing regular sleep time, eating 3-4 hours before sleeping, avoiding doing any work in the bed, not taking caffeine late in the evening, etc.
Notice changes in your energy level.
Think of ways to make an assignment exciting and engaging before you undertake it. While doing it, see if you can focus to the point where you lose track of time.
Do a physically rigorous activity (bike riding, running, sports singing, playing) that you always wanted to do but have not done yet. If you enjoy it, plan to do it regularly.
Sing in a choir, play an instrument, or act in a play. Enjoy the rush that comes from performing in front of others.
Attend a dance club, concert, or a performing art event. If there is dancing involved, join in.
Watch a sitcom or a comedy film weekly. Invite friends over and have a movie night together.
Socialize with friends who like to laugh heartily. Notice how laughter can be infectious.
Do at least one outdoor activity weekly such as hiking, biking, mountain climbing, brisk walking, or jogging, for an hour. Enjoy both the outdoors and your own internal sensations.
Take time to celebrate your next two accomplishments and victories. Invite others to celebrate with you without coming off as boastful.
Call an old friend and reminisce about good old times. Notice how their laughter and joy make you feel.
Call old friend and reminisce good old times.