10 Dec2019


This is why instead of asking yourself why you are here and what exactly it is you should be doing, let us begin to make your experiences the answer to your questions and put some meaning and oomph back in your life, where they belong.
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Follow Your Gifts and Talents
Discovering your gifts and talents will give meaning to your life and can lead to finding your purpose. Here are a few questions that will help you discover what underlying gifts and talents you have:
What comes naturally to you?
When do you feel the best?
What are you doing or experiencing then?
In what way do you love to help other people?
Make Great Connections
Spend time with the people that add to your life and lift you up. This could be anyone from friends to work colleagues. Spend less time with people that drain your energy or constantly give negative vibes. Jim Rohn puts it this way, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Begin to notice how you feel around others. (Hint: you should feel good.)
Goal Setting
If you want meaning in life this means having a plan. You don’t have to sit down for five hours every Monday setting goals for the rest of the week that you probably won’t complete anyway—please, don’t do this to yourself! But do have goals and a plan for achieving them. It shouldn’t be one of those things you hate to do, but instead have an idea of accomplishments you would like to see happen in you life and make a plan for working towards them by writing them down. Then, most importantly, take action.