19 Mar2018


Product Name; Moodscope
Product Link; www.moodscope.com
Product type; Moodtracker
Review Date; 9 March 2015
Habits; ALL
WL Star Rating; 4.5 / 5
It’s free, it’s simple to use, it’s scientifically proven to help. We use this everyday as our key measuring tool. If you are serious about a lifestyle change this is a really helpful performance indicator
Its not beautiful, it’s a bit dated (no doubt due to lack of cash in making so much of it free) – but it is highly effective, simple to use and extremely useful
When you go to the site www.moodscope.com you can see a simple to use video or how moodscope works 14 images. It is simple and clear. Our only comment is the video focuses on mental health / depression and this may put some people off, but don’t let it as the benefits so far at weigh it. You can sign up, use it for free and start immediately
You measure your mood everyday using an online card game that takes 30secs to do. It tracks your daily scores so you can see what is causing your ups and downs as you are able to write a 200 character diary (400 if you pay). You can buddy up and share your scores which is important in the overall process of maintaining a high mood. Measuring, Tracking and sharing is how weight-watchers works successfully. This is all based on research & data.
There are 6 key benefits – some you get for free some you need to pay extra through MoodscopePLUS;