24 Nov2015


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Correll was a natural fit to answer that question, drawing on her own life experiences to create the comics. “I am, and have always been, a very ‘busy’ person who does too much, thinks too much, and doesn’t take enough time out for herself,” she told me.
I’ll bet more than a few people can relate to that feeling — and to these comics, as well.
1. We’re often thinking about a thing or two or … 100?
2. We have just a few thoughts before bed.
3. Our minds are often elsewhere.
4. Our much needed down time is the perfect opportunity to multitask. Wait…
5. We use electronics from the minute we wake until the minute we fall asleep.
6. Listen to the cat, obviously.
7. Take a real vacation.
8. Limit Multitasking
9. Meet goals, collect rewards!
A lot of us are juggling too much at once. It’s usually necessary to keep our lives going, but what if we could scale back the few things that aren’t absolutely necessary?