17 Apr2021


Why get into table tennis? It’s fast, fun and easy for everyone to play.
Who is it for? All ages and abilities. It’s also a great way to stay fit if you are less mobile or returning from injury.
Is there a cheap option? It can be very affordable as most clubs offer sessions for a few pounds.
What if I want a proper workout? Table tennis can be intense and can really get the heart pumping. It also improves cardiovascular fitness and endurance levels.
Can I take it to another level? There are tournaments at all levels, from schools through to county and national championships.
Is there a disability option? Table tennis is a very accessible game.
Is there a family option? Just get a few bats and a ball and you can start to play anywhere, even on the dining room table!
Table tennis is a cheap and accessible activity that can be played with people of all ages.
Table tennis clubs provide the best place to learn the game, and with more than 750 clubs in gyms, leisure centres, schools, colleges and universities throughout the UK there is bound to be an opportunity to play near you.
And if you are more serious then why not head out to the International Table Tennis Action Camp in China for two weeks!