06 May2016

Foster carers are child care experts who work as part of a team of professionals to ensure fostered children receive the highest standards of care. They offer fostered children a safe and caring home and family for as long as they need it.
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Foster carers can, and do, make a real difference to the lives of children and young people who come into their care.
They make this difference by working with a range of other professionals in the ‘team around the child’ to provide security, stability and support at a crucial time in the child’s life. They will often provide children with their first experience of positive family life.
“My foster carers gave me a grasp of a different way of life…I was very lucky to live there.”
Fostered young person
Foster carers can look after up to three children at once, unless exceptions are made or where there is a bigger group of brothers and sisters. The number and age of their own children will help fostering services to advise on the number and age of fostered children they look after.
There are many different types of foster care. Some foster carers will care for children in an emergency situation, until longer-term arrangements can be made. Others will look after children on a short-term basis, until the child can return home or move on to a permanent placement. Many foster carers care for children on a long-term basis, often for the whole of their childhoods.