26 Sep2017
1. If you don’t feel real love for yourself yet, act as if.
Act lovingly toward yourself and do things that nurture you, make you stronger, and make you proud of who you are and how you live your life. Exercise, meditation, helping others freely, and eating a healthy diet work really well for me. Practice progress, not perfection.
2. When you feel hurt by someone else, remind yourself that they are just like you.
They hurt, feel fear, have insecurities, and feel the need to defend and protect themselves. They are no different than you and me.
At times, we all react to the programming in our minds. As you commit to feeling unconditional love and compassion for self and others, you will begin to transform the programming in your brain. All you need is awareness. Just be aware.
3. Remember, others are on their path just like you are on yours.
You are both just doing the best you can.
4. Be of service in the world.
Nothing will help you find compassion within yourself and for others like coming face to face with people who have much less materially and way bigger problems than you.
5. Turn within and ask your higher knowing to show you where you lack integrity, love, trust, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.
Then ask yourself to heal.
Be patient with the process. Sometimes small shifts happen over time. Allowing your own process to unfold is an act of love in and of itself.
To read more go to TinyBuddha