21 Aug2018


‘Music can change the world because it can change people.’
To see the original article click here
Many of us have music in our lives a lot of the time – whether that’s the radio or CDs at home, in our cars, on MP3 players as we go about our business. However making time to really appreciate music or get involved with it connects you to music in a totally different way. There are many sites that will let you listen to a range of genres to find out what you might like to hear more of, and contains info about live music events, professional performers such as orchestras and choirs and workshops you can get involved with. Tune into all the musical opportunities around you, you won’t regret it!
Why get into music?
Music makes us feel good – it’s a fact. Scieintists have proved that listening to moving music causes the brain to release dopamine, a feel-good chemical. Singing gives us a high, and mastering a new skill puts a smile on our faces too. What more do you need to hear?
What would you like to try?
Sing, learn an instrument, join a band, go to a festival – for more ideas click here