21 Jul2017


“Coming together is a beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success” – Henry Ford
Teamwork involves working as a member of a group for the common good.
People with this strength are loyal to the organizations of which they are members, ready to make personal sacrifices for their neighbors.
The strength of teamwork is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility. Good citizens are not blindly obedient, and when necessary they strive to change their groups for the better.
Too much: mindless and automatic obedience
Too little: obtuseness, cluelessness
A Mighty Heart (2007) – Amidst the sickening murder of Wall Street Journalist, Daniel Pearl, this movie brings home some bright spot of a sense of community of friends in a alien land, of security officers, government officers which try to save a life. It ends with a optimistic note where Mariane Pearl seems to transcend hate and decides to start a noble community project in the very city, where her husband was murdered.
Hotel Rwanda – (2004) – Extra-ordinary display of social responsibility of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who during the Genocide, housed over a thousand Tutsi refugees to shield them from Huta militia.
L.A. Confidential (1997) – Faced with the task of solving a murder, three police officers must use their very different standards of justice and morality to find those responsible. This movie explores the nature of corruption and integrity as they relate to leadership, government, and individual relationships, and leaves the viewer with several conflicting examples to reconcile.
Finding Forester (2001) – Jamal Wallace is a gifted basketball player who is accepted into a prestigious prep school after scoring highly on his standardized tests. There he befriends the reclusive writer William Forester, and in this meeting of the minds the two find they have much to teach each other. Their personal relationship serves as a transformative example for their community.
Awakenings (1990) – A doctor working in a mental ward full of comatose patients finds a cure for their affliction, freeing them from their unconsciousness but bringing them a host of adjustment problems. The doctor’s life becomes a quest to bring these patients into functional roles in modern society, though some of them have been comatose for decades. His character is a shining example of civil responsibility and social caring.
Pick up litter on curbsides and put it in trashcans. If you see anyone doing the same, thank them and offer to help.
Volunteer weekly for a community service project in your town, one that deals with what you are best at. Find new friends through it who share your passion.
Facilitate a group discussion and attempt to achieve consensus on a conflicting issue. Regardless of whether an agreement is reached, come away from the discussion having learned more about people with different views on the issue.
Help at least one person yearly to set goals and periodically check on their progress. Offer help and encouragement whenever you think it is needed. If the person wishes to reciprocate, allow them to help you achieve one of your own goals
Arrange or attend at least one social gathering monthly. Try to bring people from different parts of the community together.
Spend at least half an hour weekly cleaning a communal place. Bring a friend and if anyone stops to watch, offer him or her the chance to pitch in.
Decorate a communal place. Consider painting a mural, planting flowers, or putting up holiday decorations. Be sure to check with the community’s local government before doing anything permanent.
Play sports for your town or school. Allow the spirit of friendly competition to bring your neighbors closer together.
Start a book club in your neighborhood. Invite people who might not approach you on their own, such as new or elderly neighbors.
Car pool or give someone a ride to work regularly. Think of your car as less of a possession and more of a resource to be shared.
Start a community garden. Invite anyone who wants to plant flowers or vegetables to do so.
Donate blood or become an organ donor. Encourage neighbors to do the same during shortages.
Seek a role in an organization or club that brings people of diverse cultures closer. Note how various cultures interact within your community.
Volunteer for activities such as serving as a Big Brother or Big Sister or constructing a Habitat for Humanity house.
Encourage friends and neighbors with spare time on their hands to accompany you.
Organize a social gathering to bid farewell to a parting neighbor or welcome a new neighbor. Gauge the interests of new neighbors and recommend community organizations or projects for them to get involved in.
Volunteer to deliver Meals on Wheels in a poor neighborhood. Take time to talk to the people you interact with.
Ask your neighbors, especially elderly ones, if they need anything from the supermarket. Make them feel valued and comfortable asking you for such favors.
Shovel snow or scrape ice for a neighbor during the winter, rake leaves during the fall, and cut grass during the spring and summer.
Cook a favorite meal for your neighbor or a friend. Look for times when they particularly need such a favor, such as when they are sick or particularly busy.