30 Sep2017


A great day out with the children doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. Sometimes just spending quality time with the family in the outdoors can be fun, educational, and a chance to make special memories together. From coastal exploration and wildlife spotting, to treasure hunts, natural discoveries and woodland escapades, there’s plenty of walks on offer. So this weekend why not get your wellies on and head out for one of our family-friendly walks.
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Here’s a few of our favourites.
Explore, relax, discover and create special memories together. Box Hill will always have something for everyone – be part of it and find your own happiness here with our range of walking trails. The Stepping stones walk is a lovely walk down to the River Mole and back up to the top of the hill, and the iconic stepping stones make the perfect spot to stop for a tranquil break.
There’s plenty to see on this easy all-ability trail through the deer park at Knole. The fallow deer are descendants of those hunted by Henry VIII and you can also spot Japanese sika deer. See sweet chestnut trees of all shapes and sizes lining the Chestnut Walk, and some intriguing ant hills. Knole is exceptional for its vast size and unmanaged landscape so expect fallen trees left to nature and bracken thick with wildlife.
Discover a beautiful clifftop walk in Pembrokeshire, home to choughs, fulmers, razorbills and gulls. Older children will enjoy exploring the caves on the beach, whilst you can enjoy the spectacular views out to sea – where you might even be lucky enough to spot a dolphin offshore.
An ideal walk for families, this is an easy and fun route where you can discover a mystery two-part word by finding 13 hidden letters along the route. Start at Ewe Pen Barn and finish at the Pleasure Ground, taking care to put the letters in the right order as you go along. Enjoy the sights and sounds of the countryside including views of the beech trees which lined the original driveway to Sherborne House.