17 Nov2015


No matter how rough a day we have or how hard a year has been, there is always a different way to look at it.
If you want to be happier right now just start looking at your life from a better, brighter angle. Here are three quick suggestions …
I’ll bet that locals in Giza, Egypt don’t take photos of themselves in front of the pyramids every day. Why would they, right? They’re used to them. And that’s what happens to us in our own lives: We’re so used to everything around us, we forget that to someone else, our life is a total Kodak moment!
So take the tourist point of view on your own life, and think of the astounding things at your feet: Your married life, to a single person, is comforting and secure; your single life, to a married person, is hopeful and exciting; and your home — to anyone else — might be quaint or cool or huge or homey simply depending on what they don’t have themselves. So go ahead: Give yourself an imaginary bus tour of your life today and see what’s worth writing a postcard home about.
We are what we eat and we are what we say. Which means if you find yourself talking a lot about how “hard” or “unhappy” or “stressed out” or “awful” your day has been, well, you’re probably going to notice and get a lot more things like it tomorrow, too.
Instead, change the words you use to change how you feel. If you’re having “the worst day ever,” maybe you can look at it as a “challenging” one you will soon get through. If you’re about to “kill that person” who cut you off, maybe you’re getting a “good test” of your patience because of it. And if you’re feeling “terrible” that you’ll “never” meet someone, maybe you’ll feel better if you can envision the possibility that you can and you will…but they’re more likely to want to stick around you if you’ve worked up a pleasant way to talk about your day first.
There is good news if you choose to find it. Yes, your car broke down, but the good news is…you had a mobile phone to call for a tow. Yes, you have the flu, but the good news is… you now have a perfect excuse to watch a marathon of your favorite TV series while you rest up and get better. Go ahead, make your list: Sometimes you may have to dig a little to find the good news, but the good news is…anything positive is better than nothing at all!
So much of your happiness is in your hands. It just takes actively seeing your situation from a brighter, more positive perspective, what we call bright side up. We hope these ideas will get you started because you don’t have to change your whole life to be happier. Really, you just have to change how you look at what you have.