Everyone, no matter who they are, wants and deserves the right to feel loved. And the best part about showing someone you care is that it will make you feel good too!
But what can you do right now, right this second to show someone (in this case – a partner) you care?
1. Hugs! Who doesn’t love a good hug?
2. Call them to say hello.
3. Hold hands. This simple physical connection expresses affection while keeping the two of you well within “public display of affection” guidelines.
4. Tell your partner what you really love about them.
5. Say yes. Is there a certain movie your partner wants to watch? A simple chore they’d like you do to? Let them have their way, just to make them happy
6. Massage. Any time, any body part. Enough said, right?
7. Share a secret.
8. Flattery. Tell them what you love about them.
9. Smile.
10. Write a love note. Go old-school and tuck a sweet handwritten note into their coat pocket for a surprise discovery.